Campfire Cooking For Kids What Can I Cook Over A Campfire Besides Hotdogs?

What can I cook over a campfire besides hotdogs? - campfire cooking for kids

A son does not like hot dogs. We camp this weekend, and I like the idea that everyone needs food on a stick on fire, but I'm no hot dogs, just because I want my son to enjoy camping ... . No hot dogs, no children .... What could I do to make it fun and delicious for him?


Olivia M said...

so many things

Shish-kebabs can put any kind of meat to your child that he loves and vegetables (broccoli, peppers, onions, mushrooms)

You can also try other types of sausage, rather than a hot dog ..

You can use the ear of corn and potatoes or sweet potatoes wrapped in aluminum foil and through them on the stove for cooking.

If you have a barbecue at home, you can use the barbecue and the fire and can be almost anything you cook in this ... The possibilities are endless.

Smores Poptart or (heated in foil) are a must for the dessert:)

CheddarC... said...

Campfire Reubens

8 slices pumpernickel bread
1 cup Thousand Iceland Dressing
3 / 4 pound of beef sliced sausage, canned
1 tablespoon cheese / 2 pound sliced Swiss
1 cup cabbage

Preheat grill on low heat.
Cut 4 large squares of foil. Place 2 slices of bread from side to side on each piece of foil. Spread the bread with Thousand Iceland dressing. Divide corned beef, Swiss cheese and sauerkraut, between bread. To do with another slice of bread, sandwiches. Wrap the paper tightly around the sandwich to make a sealed packet.
Place the packets on the preheated grill. Cook, turning every 10 minutes, until lightly toasted bread and cheese melts, about 30 minutes.


.:.cHaNn... said...

They sell the mountain on foot manufacturers at Walmart at a reasonable price.
If you do not know what a constructor is a mountain, is a device with 2 long extensions, and an empty box at the end thats open 2 separate extensions, the vacuum, place a piece of bread on each side of the city and put any kind of filling You want to ... You can even a box of pizza, mozzarella cheese and some pepperoni pizza and make a little pocket! They are so impressive and useful for camping! Anyway, if you're in your ingredients, close enough to save and keep, fire and flame for a few minutes on each side!
I hope this helps, because it was very difficult to explain!
: 0)

.:.cHaNn... said...

They sell the mountain on foot manufacturers at Walmart at a reasonable price.
If you do not know what a constructor is a mountain, is a device with 2 long extensions, and an empty box at the end thats open 2 separate extensions, the vacuum, place a piece of bread on each side of the city and put any kind of filling You want to ... You can even a box of pizza, mozzarella cheese and some pepperoni pizza and make a little pocket! They are so impressive and useful for camping! Anyway, if you're in your ingredients, close enough to save and keep, fire and flame for a few minutes on each side!
I hope this helps, because it was very difficult to explain!
: 0)

Eolra said...

Kofta What? It is seasoned ground meat formed around a pole - they said it was a hamburger on a stick and eat hot dogs and buns. I bet the kids will love it! Make sure the shape is not too much meat around until the center is quickly prepared and confident enough to mix your egg and bread crumbs, add meat to make it good.

Here is an example of a recipe - the special recipe for lamb, but you can use any kind of meat, and all the seasoning you use really is: ...

petespif... said...

Smores always do when we go camping. also because my daughter is a little more than a quirky, take a container on fire and cook chicken or something. refuses to eat hot dogs too, so I try something healthy in their own way, that Smores eat only whole journey to cook, but always as the camping is experience.

flower said...

Cabelas have different ideas about how a hamburger hamburger cookers for you to make a fire or a sandwich maker ..

Jacob said...

Nothing good for cooking and remained on a stick! Lmao!

Grandmab... said...

What about the strip of beef or chicken. And meatballs. Skewers with vegetables as you. Things on a stick lol:)

Grandmab... said...

What about the strip of beef or chicken. And meatballs. Skewers with vegetables as you. Things on a stick lol:)

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