Drambuie What Is Nice To Mix With Drambuie?

What is nice to mix with Drambuie? - drambuie

I think that Coca Cola would be nice.
What else do not mix well with?


Shirley S said...

1 more Drambuie
2 soda (Sprite or 7 up) on ice
3, lime cordial and lemonade with ice cream
4, it also works with coke
5, Jack Daniels

like a shot
1, Amaretto
2 Kahul or Tia Maria
3, Grand Marnier or Triple Sec
4, Bailey

MasterPy... said...

Soda water. Scotch too.

Chetak. said...

Nothing that a liquid.
It should be drunk straight.

AshleyLy... said...

Drambuie Wow what? Drinks my grandfather. There are so many things taste so much better ... might consider something else!

sufferin... said...

Scotch-rusty nail
very soft water
Bailey, simply beautiful

ob2oose said...

I like some refrigerators and a couple of Chinese girls

deogie said...

Rusty Nail Scotch-FTW!

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