Real Estate Slogan Twins Can You Come Up With A Good Real Estate Slogan For Me?

Can you come up with a good real estate slogan for me? - real estate slogan twins

Hello. In the new real estate search for a slogan. I affirm that I am an honest, sincere and hardworking people that their needs come first, and I have my feet on the ground (unlike some actors "from above" me). I never cheat, or greedy, are perceived as some players. Ideas?


MY SET said...

Keep it simple

Do you need a house. I am here for you. Call #####

This shows that the attention

Your Brand Manager said...

This is a great question. What you need to do is first step into the shoes of the consumer and see what they see. Is the first thing you notice in the economy, everyone has some kind of slogan that says, believe the world who are trustworthy, honest and just put in their hands, blah, blah blah.

The problem is that everyone is a slogan and not everyone will have to comply with the standards of consumption. This gives the industry a bad name. I suggest you take some real substaince on himself and then restart it.

Ask yourself who your ideal customer and where they live. What some of their substaince in the world of their clients in context.

You should also consider whether to have a house and a niche.

One thing I know, but the truth is the good brand and marketing is'nt found a slogan or a logo. You are just a little "soft innovation" that tell their story to continue.

What is your story? This is his story in line with the image of your brand? Is it easy to understand your customers andits history and forward?

I have a great CD, you can deal directly with this issue.

I hope this helped

-Brand Manager
Organic sales growth

txpuddin... said...

I would like to make a logo showing the roots of the plant
as follows: ...
Then with a slogan such as:

"Get rooted in _______" was (regardless of your city or town or region

or you can "homemade" or "Down to Earth"

Personalized back to the basics and roots of a good business, integrity, etc.

Use a photo of his car, holding a seedling .........

craig7_2... said...

People can see through false advertising. I think it would work very simply: for all your real estate needs CALL #.

Evil cookies said...

Try this ....

"I just got a house you are selling, if you" or like this

"I am the ideal home for your budget"

or something.

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