True Originals Stamp Pope Says Catholic Religion Is The True Church...What Makes His View Correct???
Pope says Catholic Religion is the true Church...What makes his view correct??? - true originals stamp
Historically, it is far. It must be the history books and not the Catholics wrote to check. For over 250 years of the Roman Empire, Christianity in contempt and denied most rights as citizens and tortured, and killed most of them. Constantine not only adapted to the Christian faith for himself and his army. He did not make Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire. It took 3 / 4 of a century after the Romans decided that they would Christianity the religion of Rome. Then formualted their own version (Roman Catholic) and seal the right religion for the world. The Overlook blantantly the fact that Christian communities have been more than 300 years before Rome has decided to develop their vision for the success of play ground.Historically, Roman Catholicism is far from the original preaching of the Apostles of the Bible and Christianity were those who chose the apostles and the teachings of the popes did not continue to suffer
It's just his opinion, not fact. Beside the church is a big business and is the CEO
Something tells me that the Pope does not call the church "real", as he officially opened by some non-elected.
This means that the way everyone thinks that their church is true. (See above poster entitled "false prophets". Something tells me that the church thinks of their programming, is the only true church.)
It is the Pope ... I think, or die.
Christ never abondened founded Church of San Pedro Roman Catholic Church, because we have the Holy Spirit> Christ said that he always be with His Church until the end of time! By the authority of the Catholic Church through the Holy Spirit, the Bible was achieved in 397 AD!
God bless you.
Did you see fit? Why did you take from the pleasures of life? Do you think that their views are correct? Each.
Roman Catholic Church is far from the original Christianity? Only eight of Henry Rodgers and Bob could agree with you.
Nothing makes a good point of view. His tibalism pure. My team is better than his team. Nobody has a monopoly on spiritual truth, not even a man wearing a pointed hat.
Ha-Ha .. The pope has said anything ... You have to swallow another lie.
The zipper of his doo-da ... held ...
My "Oh, my screen shocking.
Who is the Pope? What do you do?
What makes his statement is true is that Protestant churches do not have apostolic succession. You need to study and read what was written by the Pope. Is the Vatican website and look for the motu proprio. The pope is well.
The Catholic Church was the first church.
Historically, you're out.
The Church has always proclaimed the true church from day one. We can know with certainty that the Catholic Church the only true church, because he alone has the four marks of the true church
The church is a (Romans 12:5, 1 Cor. 10:17, 12:13, CCC 813-822)
Jesus has a church, not a collection of various churches (Lutherans, Baptists, Anglicans, and so on). The Bible says that the Church is the Bride of Christ (Ephesians is 5:23-32). Jesus may have more than one wife, and his wife is Catholic.
His Church also teaches that a uniform set of doctrines that are the same as those taught by the apostles (Jude 3). This is the unity of faith, the Scripture calls us (Phil. 1:27, 2:2).
Although some Catholics dissent from officially preached doctrines, the official doctrine of the Church, the pope and the bishops united with him, never changed their doctrine. For centuries, the doctrines are examined more closely, the Church comes to understand better (Jn 16,12-13), but not in the opposite direction of what it meant before.
The Church is holy (Ephesians 5:25-27, Apocalypse 19:7-8, CCC 823-829)
By the grace of Jesus, the Church is holy as He is holy. This does not mean that every member is always holy. Jesus said to be members of good and evil in the church "(John 6:70), all members 7:21-23) into heaven (Matthew.
But the Church is holy because it is the wayurce of holiness and is the guardian of the special funds of Jesus through the sacraments (cf. Eph set. 5:26).
The Catholic Church (Matthew 28:19-20, Revelation 5:9-10, CCC 830-856)
Church of Jesus) is a Catholic ( "universal" in Greek, because it is his gift to everyone. He told his apostles to go out into the world and make disciples of "all nations" (Mt 28,19-20).
Has succeed for 2000, the Catholic Church this mission, preaching the gospel that Christ died for all people and wants us all as members of his universal family (Gal. 3:28).
Today, the Catholic Church is sending out in every country in the world and continue to missionaries to make "disciples of all nations"(Matthew 28.19).
The Church of Jesus was built by his frequent name known to the Catholic Church, "at least as early as the year 107, when Ignatius of Antioch, that title, set up to describe the one Church of Christ. The title apparently was old times, Ignatius, which means it was probably all the way back to apostolic times.
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